
Important Dates

Research Reports (RR)January 15, 2014
Short Oral (SO)March 1, 2014
Poster Presentation (PP)March 1, 2014

Research Forum (RF)October 1, 2013
Working Session (WS)March 1, 2014
Discussion Group (DG)March 1, 2014

All presentations (except RF) are submitted for review through ConfTool. ConfTool is configured to only accept submissions from presenters who are registered in the ConfTool system (see Registration). Submissions will only be reviewed if submitting author has paid the pre-registration fee. ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST FOLLOW THE FORMATTING AS LAID OUT IN THE TEMPLATE!




Research Report (RR)


Research Reports (RR) should deal with topics related to the major goals of the PME and PME-NA. Reports should state what is new in the research, how it builds on past research, and/or how it has developed new directions and pathways. Some level of critique must exist in all papers.

Each participant is allowed to present only one Research Report. No one is allowed to have his or her name on the program more than four times, as an author or co-author, on any kind of presentation or group session.

Two types of papers are suitable for Research Reports:

Reports of empirical studies

Observational, ethnographic, experimental, quasi-experimental, and case studies are all suitable. Reports of empirical studies should contain, at minimum, the following:

    • a statement regarding the focus of the submitted paper;
    • the study’s theoretical framework;
    • references to the related literature;
    • an indication of and justification for the study’s methodology;
    • and a sample of the data and the results (additional data can be presented at the conference but some data ought to accompany the proposal)

Theoretical and philosophical essays

These should contain, at a minimum, the following:

    • a statement regarding the focus of the submitted paper;
    • a statement about the paper’s theoretical or philosophical framework;
    • references to related literature;
    • a clearly articulated statement regarding the author’s position on the paper’s focus or theme;
    • and implications for existing research in the respective area.


Proposals for a Research Report presentations are no more than eight pages (use the Template or see Formatting Guidelines below) submitted via ConfTool no later than January 15, 2014. ConfTool is configured to only accept submissions from presenters who are registered in the ConfTool system (see Registration). Submissions will only be reviewed if submitting author has paid the pre-registration fee.

Review Process

The submitted proposals for the Research Reports will be reviewed by three PME members whose areas of expertise match the applicant’s chosen research categories. Notification of the decision of the International Program Committee to accept or reject the Research Report proposal will be available after the 2nd meeting of the International Program Committee in April 2014. An accepted paper will appear in the proceedings only if full payment of the conference fee is made no later than May 20, 2014.

The Local Organizing Committee recruits potential reviewers from experienced PME members who have presented either two PME Research Reports in the last five years or presented three PME Research Reports in the last ten years.

Reviewers for reports of studies (empirical research) will be asked to comment on the following: theoretical framework and related literature, methodology (if appropriate), statement and discussion of results, clarity, and relevance to a PME audience.

Reviewers for theoretical and philosophical essays will be asked to comment on the theoretical framework and related literature, the articulated statement of the author’s positionality, the implications for existing and further research, and the relevance to the wider PME audience.


Each presentation will be allotted a total time of 40 minutes: 20 minutes for the oral presentation and 20 minutes for questions and comments.

Short Oral Communications (SO)


Short Oral Communications are intended for research that is best communicated by means of a short oral communication instead of a full research report.


Proposals for Short Oral presentations are one page summary (use the Template or see Formatting Guidelines below) submitted via ConfTool no later than March 1, 2014. ConfTool is configured to only accept submissions from presenters who are registered in the ConfTool system (see Registration). Submissions will only be reviewed if submitting author has paid the pre-registration fee.

Advice on how to prepare a Short Oral paper can be found on the PME website.

Review Process

Proposals are reviewed by the International Program Committee. Notification of the decision of the International Program Committee to accept or reject the Short Oral proposal will be emailed in April 2014.

The one-page summary will appear in the proceedings only if full payment of the conference fee is made no later than May 20, 2014.


The total time for a Short Oral presentation is 20 minutes: 10 minutes for the oral presentation and 10 minutes for questions and/or comments. Three presentations will be grouped according to distinctive themes.

Poster Presentation (PP)


Poster Presentations are intended for information/research that is best communicated in a visual form rather than of a formal paper presentation.


Proposals for Poster Presentations are one page abstracts (use the Template or see Formatting Guidelines below) submitted via ConfTool no later than March 1, 2014. ConfTool is configured to only accept submissions from presenters who are registered in the ConfTool system (see Registration). Submissions will only be reviewed if submitting author has paid the pre-registration fee.

Advice on how to prepare a Poster Presentation paper can be found on the PME website.


Proposals are reviewed by the International Program Committee. In order for a proposal to be reviewed, the presenting author must pay the conference deposit when the proposal is submitted. Notification of the decision of the International Program Committee to accept or reject the poster proposal will be emailed in April 2014.

The one-page summary will appear in the proceedings only if full payment of the conference fee is made no later than May 20, 2014.


There will be a Poster Presentation session in the conference program. Author(s) should be available in this session for discussion with conference participants.

Research Forum (RF)


The goal of a Research Forum is to create dialogue and discussion by offering PME members more elaborate presentations, reactions, and discussions on topics on which substantial research has been undertaken in the last 5-10 years and which continue to hold the active interest of a large subgroup of PME. A Research Forum is not supposed to be a collection of presentations but instead is meant to convey an overview of an area of research and its main current questions, thus highlighting contemporary debates and perspectives in the field.

A Research Forum:

  • focuses on a topic that is of substantial interest within the work of PME;
  • stimulates critical dialogue around this topic through the consideration of multiple perspectives;
  • has a coherent structure that encourages intellectual debate;
  • involves planned input to this critical dialogue from at least five researchers;
  • and includes structural opportunities for interaction by the audience, and avoids the need for long presentations through the use of well-advertised prior reading.

Submission and Review Process

The deadline for Research Forum proposals is October 1 in the year before the conference (for PME 2014 it has been extended to November 1, 2013). As such, the details that follow are for participants considering a submission for PME 39 in 2015. A five page proposal should be sent to the PME Administrative Manager ( and must include:

  • the title and focus of the Research Forum;
  • the name of the coordinator and assistant coordinator (if desired);
  • key question(s) that the Research Forum will address;
  • a detailed description of the proposed format of the Research Forum, including timing, contributors, how they will be chosen, plans for audience interaction;
  • details of prior reading and how this can be made available;
  • and how the space within the proceedings will be used (up to 30 pages).

The International Program Committee will review the proposals and provide feedback to the coordinators. If a proposal is provisionally accepted the coordinators will be required to provide the final version of their proposal by January 15, 2014. The International Program Committee makes the final decision during its first meeting in January 2014. If a proposal is given final acceptance at this time the coordinators of the Research Forum will be responsible to submit the text for the proceedings no later than May 1, 2014.

The total length of a final Research Forum paper for the proceedings is 30 pages (use the Template or see Formatting Guidelines belowand must be submitted via ConfTool. Accepted proposals will be included in the conference proceedings provided the full conference fees for all coordinators are paid before May 20, 2014.


Two 90 minute slots will be devoted to each Research Forum. For more information, please contact the conference scientific secretariat at

Discussion Group (DG)


The objective of a Discussion Group is to provide attendees with the opportunity to discuss a specific research topic of shared interest. The idea of a Discussion Group may be the result of an Ad hoc Meeting or an intensive discussion of a Research Report during the previous conference. Discussion Groups may begin with short synopses of research work, or a set of pressing questions. A Discussion Group is exploratory in character, and is especially suitable for topics which are not appropriate for collaborative work in a Working Session because they are not yet elaborate enough or because a coherent research strategy has not been identified. A successful Discussion Group may result in an application for a Working Session one year later.


Proposals for Discussion Group are a one-page summary (use the Template or see Formatting Guidelines below) submitted via ConfTool no later than March 1, 2014. Proposals will only be considered if the coordinators are registered (see Registration) in the ConfTool system and have paid the non-refundable conference deposit.

The one-page proposal for a Discussion Group application must include:

  • names of a coordinator and an assistant coordinator, both of whom must be active members of PME;
  • information about the theoretical background of the topic of the Discussion Group as well as questions or goals which guide the work in the Discussion Group;
  • a short outline about the goals and/or activities planned for each of the two 90 minute sessions;
  • a plan for how the attendees can participate actively in the discussion (a Discussion Group must not consist solely of presentations).

Review Process

The International Program Committee reviews and selects the Discussion Group proposals. Notification of the decision of the International Program Committee to accept or reject the proposal will be emailed in April 2014. Accepted proposals will be included in the conference proceedings provided the full conference fees for the coordinators are paid before May 20, 2014 (see 8.3.2 Total Registration Fees).


Two 90-minute sessions will be allocated to Discussion Groups. After presentation, coordinators of each Discussion Group are required to send a report of its activities to the PME Administrative Manager ( This report may be included in the PME newsletter. This report is due by the end of September, 2014. For more information, please contact the conference scientific secretariat at

Working Session (WS)


The aim of Working Sessions is that PME participants collaborate in joint activities on a research topic. For this research topic, there must be a clear research framework or research strategy and precise goals so that a coherent collaborative activity is ensured. Ideas for a Working Session can result from Discussion Group sessions of previous conferences where a topic was elaborated upon and a research framework or strategy was developed. Each Working Session should be complementary to the aims of PME and ensure maximum involvement of each participant.


Proposals for Working Sessions are a one-page proposal (use the Template or see Formatting Guidelines below) submitted via ConfTool no later than March 1, 2014. Proposals will only be considered if the coordinators are registered (see Registration) in the ConfTool system and have paid the non-refundable conference deposit.

The one-page proposal for a Working Session application must include:

  • names of a coordinator and an assistant coordinator, both of whom must be active members of PME;
  • information about the theoretical background of the topic of the Working Session as well as descriptions of specific tasks or activities to be carried out in the sessions;
  • a short outline of the goals and/or activities planned for each of the two 90-minute sessions.

Review Process

The International Program Committee reviews and selects the Working Session proposals. Notification of the decision of the International Program Committee to accept or reject the proposal will be emailed in April 2014. Accepted proposals will be included in the conference proceedings, provided the full conference fee for the coordinators is paid before May 16, 2014 (see 8.3.2 Total Registration Fees).


Two 90-minute sessions will be allocated to Working Sessions. After presentation, coordinators of each Working Session are required to send a report of its activities to the PME Administrative Manager ( This report may be included in the PME newsletter. This report is due by the end of September, 2014. For more information, please contact the conference scientific secretariat at

Ad Hoc Meetings (AH)


Ad Hoc Meetings are a form of conference activity that was approved in 2010. During the conference, PME provides time slots and rooms for meetings of ‘ad hoc’ groups. The idea is that researchers can meet and discuss research topics that spontaneously came up during discussions of previous presentations at the conference. The Ad Hoc Meetings are reserved only for discussions; presentations or a continuation of a Research Report or Short Oral Communication are not allowed.


To organize an Ad Hoc meeting, at least two persons should prepare an announcement with a short and precise description of the topic, the names of the organizers, and the preferred time slot, and deliver it to the PME Administrative Manager. The Administrative Manager will then assign times and rooms. Since there are only a few time slots and rooms, proposals will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

It is not possible to organize an Ad Hoc Meeting before the conference.

For more information, please contact the conference scientific secretariat at


Formatting Guidelines



If you are having trouble using the template the formatting specifications are below:

Maximum number of pages: The page limit is dependent on the type of proposal (RR = 8, SO, PP, DG, WS = 1). The specified limit includes references, figures, and appendices.

Titles: The title should be capitalized and centered. The author’s (and co-authors’) name(s) and affiliation(s), in this order, must be included. The name(s) of the presenting author(s) must be underlined.

References: In the APA standard style (American Psychological Association) – see the template for examples.

Files and Filenames: Files should be saved in DOC format, and filenames should indicate the type of proposal as well as the name of the presenting author, as detailed below.

  • Use RR, SO, PP, DG, RF, WS for Research Report (RR), Short Oral Communication (SO), Poster Presentation (PP), Discussion Group (DG), Research Forum (RF), and Working Session (WS) respectively.
  • For example, a proposal for a Short Oral, by FirstName LastName (e.g., John Smith) for publication in the Proceedings, should be saved as SO_LastName.doc (e.g., SO_Smith.doc).

Paper Format: All proposals are to use A4 paper format with a frame of 170 by 247 mm. The font should be 14 point, Times New Roman is recommended, with a 16-point line space and 6 points between paragraphs.

  • DO NOT number the pages.
  • Use exact dimensions, and fill the entire frame.
  • Remember that the original text will be reduced to 70% for inclusion in the proceedings; changes in style will incur difficulties in the printing of the proceedings.
  • Please be sure that files do not exceed 2 MB.

Table of Research Categories

This section is for your reference when completing the reviewer information or the proposal information for personal presentations. Reviewers will receive proposals for reviewing according to the research categories they mark when registering as a reviewer. The proposals will be sent to reviewers according to the research categories that are marked by the submitting author. All proposals must be concerned with mathematics education.

Research Domains in Mathematics Education

  1. Algebra and algebraic structures
  2. Arithmetic, numbers and operations
  3. Calculus and functions
  4. Geometry, space and shape
  5. Probability and statistics
  6. Imagery and visualization
  7. Problem solving and problem posing
  8. Proof, argumentation and reasoning
  9. Representations and modeling
  10. Teacher beliefs
  11. Teacher knowledge and practice
  12. Teacher professional development
  13. Preservice teacher preparation
  14. Classroom assessment
  15. Educational evaluation and policy
  16. Classroom interaction and discourse
  17. Conceptual change and development
  18. Curriculum development and task design
  19. Teaching and learning with technologies
  20. Tools, semiotics and gestures
  21. Affect, emotions and attitudes
  22. Culture, language and multilingualism
  23. Equity and gender issues
  24. Special needs education

Grade Levels

  1. Pre-School (age under 7, and teachers of this grade level)
  2. Elementary (age 5-12, and teachers of this grade level)
  3. Secondary (age 10-18, and teachers of this grade level)
  4. Post secondary (age 16+, and teachers of this grade level)
  5. Vocational education (and teachers in these contexts)
  6. Adult education and out-of-school mathematics (and teachers in these contexts)

Types of Research

  1. Qualitative/interpretative methods
  2. Quantitative methods
  3. Mixed methods
  4. Theoretical/philosophical analysis


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